Do Roaches Like Palm Trees?
If you’re afraid of cockroaches, you’re not alone. Many people are afraid of cockroaches. Studies have shown that katsaridaphobia (fear of cockroaches) can be hereditary! It’s easy to understand why. They’re fast, alarming, and come without warning. They can fly, and they’re durable enough to survive a nuclear war. Because they’re so prevalent, there are a lot of rumors surrounding them.
Cockroaches are almost social insects. Unlike ants, they don’t rely on a single egg-laying female, but they do group together. They also leave pheromone and dropping trails. Unfortunately, the American cockroach and palmetto bug also spend much time around palm trees.
Why Do Roaches Like Palm Trees?
The palmetto bug, a massive cockroach species, got its name from the sabal palm, or palmetto plant! The plants are associated with roaches because of the roach’s habitat and the way we bring palm trees to us. Roaches use palm trees like vertical highways, racing up and down the trees looking for ways to the nearby homes. Even in the wild, palmetto bugs live near the base of the trees, eating on fallen debris from the tree.
Can Roaches Kill Palm Trees?
Luckily, palmetto bugs don’t attack the tree itself. However, the tree can become home to nesting palmetto bugs, and you may sometimes see them running up and down palm trees. Roaches themselves do not harm or damage palm trees at all. Instead, they are foraging insects that feed on discarded items, such as fallen fruit.
You won’t find German cockroaches on palm trees, though—just the larger species. German cockroaches tend to live exclusively indoors. Your palm tree may also attract wasps, rats, and scorpions – Some of these may even be attracted to the roaches themselves.
Are Palmetto Bugs Dangerous?
On their own, roaches aren’t very dangerous. They are, however, very durable. Some palmetto bugs can shrug off attacks like shoes being swung down on them! I’ve seen one take five whacks from a fly swatter before finally giving up the ghost. While they technically can bite, they usually don’t.
The main danger of palmetto bugs comes from their habit of tracking bacteria everywhere they go. These insects live in filth and garbage and carry that filth and bacteria. A dirty palmetto bug can contaminate your entire kitchen by itself. Let alone if they start to reproduce!
How Can I Keep Roaches Off of My Palm Trees?
One of the most effective ways to keep roaches away from your palm tree will keep away more pests than just them. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth liberally around the base of your tree. Diatomaceous earth is made of tiny fossilized diatoms, single-celled creatures with tiny silica shells.
Though it looks like a simple white powder, it’s lethal to insects. At their size, diatomaceous earth is razor-sharp. Roaches that step through it bleed to death in minutes. This scares away other roaches, convincing them to try elsewhere. The lethal approach works great, but even better is making your own unappealing to roaches in the first place. Be sure you keep food and trash covered and sealed at all times. This act alone can reduce roach populations and activity consistently.
If you find you have a palmetto bug infestation that you can’t handle on your own, call Total Pest Solutions today.
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