There are many invasive pest species in Florida. In fact, there are countless invasive species that people introduced to the United States over the years. Whether accidentally or otherwise, these species are a pain for homeowners everywhere. Here are some of the most common invasive pest species you might find right in your own backyard.
Red Imported Fire Ants
Red imported fire ants are marching on across the southern United States. They are native to South America, but introduced to North America via a cargo ship that landed in Mobile, Alabama between 1933-1945. It has since spread all throughout the southern United States and into Mexico. Once they successfully colonize a region they are not native to, they can cause massive amounts of economic damage and disrupt the local wildlife populations.
Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs
This species came over from Asia in 1996 and has rapidly spread across the country. Brown marmorated stink bugs pose a significant threat to agriculture. Pest control experts note the bugs’ telltale unpleasant aroma they emit when frightened. They quickly become an infestation if unwittingly given access to your home.
Formosan Termites
Native to southern China, this species accidental transportation brought these termites to Taiwan and Japan, then to Sri Lanka, South African, Hawaii, and then the continental United States. Sometimes experts call them super-termites because of their large colonies and ability to consume wood at a rapid rate. This makes them highly destructive. In as little as six months, a Formosan termite colony can cause extreme structural damage to your home.
Norway Rats
Despite what their name implies, Norway rats originate in Asia. Now, people find them all around the globe. Not only do these small creatures cause massive amounts of damage with the compulsion to gnaw on structures. These rats also carry several diseases including plague, jaundice, rat-bite fever, and salmonellosis.
European Starlings
A Shakespeare enthusiast introduced these birds to New York over a century ago. He wanted a local population of every bird mentioned by the bard. These birds have since spread all across the country. While pretty to look at, these birds cause massive damages every year to buildings with their droppings. Their presence also promotes fungal growth in soil.
African Bees “Killer Bees”
Killer Bees are highly aggressive and have been seen to chase a targeted person for over a quarter of a mile in defense of the hive. Their venom may be equivalent to that of a honeybee, but they are known to attack in greater numbers, posing a much more significant threat to any humans whom they encounter.
Asian Tiger Mosquitoes
As if mosquitoes weren’t reviled enough, there is a species of mosquito called the Asian Tiger Mosquito that is considered an invasive species. These mosquitoes are easily identified by their black and white striped markings, and they are known to feed during daylight hours. They also are carriers of diseases such as West Nile virus, Dengue Fever, and Chikungunya virus.
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