One look in the most recent iteration of the phone book or the search results of your preferred search engine will show you the massive number of pest control companies out there. Among such competition, what separates a truly professional group from the carpetbaggers?
Most states require some form of professional licensing or certification in order to legally operate in that state. Companies that cannot show proper certification or licensure may be operating illegally or without business practices that keep you and your family or business safe. It’s your right to ask for such licenses before any application to your home or property. An experienced and ethical pest control company will have good ratings and reviews with your city’s or area’s Better Business Bureau. Companies with unfair business practices will generally have a bad reputation with the BBB.
Pest control companies operate best when we can educate our customers in addition to helping them with a product or service. We want you to understand not just what we’re doing, but why, and which types of treatment are designed for which type(s) of pest. An educated customer is less likely to make repeated mistakes, and is much more likely to recommend us to their friends, colleagues, co-workers, extended family, and others. Word of mouth remains a very effective way of garnering new business.
Lastly, pest control companies want you to shop for the value of the product, not just the price. As every home is different, the pest control solutions should be tailored to the specific needs of the home or property. At Total Pest Solutions, we do just that – giving you the best value so that you can get back to what’s really important in your life. Give us a call today!
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