For those of us who are not big on things that slither, here is the lesson on how to prevent snakes from coming into the yard. You may not like them but, snakes are not free loading pests. But, despite their free pest services, snakes are still not welcome in most yards. In this article, we’ll look at what attracts them and how to keep them away.
Snakes are pest control officers all on their own. They feed on small animals such as mice and rats. You don’t want those hanging around anyway. Also, snakes feed on different bugs that you may not like. For one, spiders and beetles make solid meals for small snakes. Even better, most snakes in Florida are completely harmless. Nevertheless, you still wouldn’t like your children to suffer a snake bite. Thus, we look at how to prevent snakes in the yard.
If a home or business located in the Polk County, FL area needs pest control services, contact us today.
Limit Food Sources
Snakes, like all other animals, will seek out a home that has food, water, and safety. Briefly, we mentioned the different food sources for snakes. As an effective measure, limiting their food sources would be a great way to prevent snakes. Regular pest control services are a great way to limit these sources.
Mice and rats are problematic and unsanitary pests. If you have larger snakes in your yard, they’re likely drawn there by rodents. There are preventative measures you can take to mitigate the dangers of rodents. One of the biggest dangers is how quickly they can populate. Mice and rats breed an absurd amount according to this article. If you find yourself dealing with an infestation, contact a pest control expert.
Limit Standing Water
This may sound simple, but take a look around your yard. What do you see that can hold even small amounts of water? Certain plants or their containers can pool water. Even your garden gnomes could be holding a pail of water fit for a snake. What about a swimming pool? Oddly enough, snakes are attracted to swimming pools despite the presence of chlorine. Often, they slink into the water but are unable to get out. Unfortunately, snakes wander into pools if only to cool off from the summer sun. You may be unable to completely prevent snakes from doing so.
Limit Hiding Places
Snakes can hide in some pretty crazy places. Plants that offer protection are a good hiding spot for snakes. Berry bushes, shrubbery, trees, roses and more have thorns or spines that offer protection from predators. Predatory birds, like hawks, feed on snakes, but are not likely to take a thorn for one. Even your lovely, bushy palm tree can be home to a rattle snake.
Hiding places also include items that they can crawl into or under. Under furniture, concrete slabs, lawn decor, pavers, planters, sheds, and more can be a home to a snake. Although, even if you walk past their hiding place each day, you likely wouldn’t notice them. Snakes are shy creatures. Most often, they slither to safety the moment they notice you.
Snake issues can be directly related to other pest issues. Stay up to date with your regular pest control services. Total Pest Solutions services inside and outside of the home or business. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment.
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