Last week, we went over palm care 101. That lesson included a basic breakdown of the structure a palm tree, as well as common pests and diseases. This week, we are reviewing common problem areas for palm care. These areas include soil, watering, fertilizer, pruning, and weather issues.
Palm trees, due to a shallow root system, need excellent top soil to grow in. In many parts of Florida, this means that fertilizer is necessary. Research has indicated that soil is one of the most important components in palm health. Soil testing is a smart idea if a palm is truly struggling in a given location.
The amount of fertilizer varies widely, based on the type of soil and type of palm. Consult with your palm care experts as well as landscaper about your options. However, in the suburbs in central Florida, it is almost certain that some type of fertilizer is necessary.
Newly planted palms need to be watered twice a week for six months to a year. The sandier the soil around the palm is, the more water it needs. Water the palm until the top soil is visibly damp, and keep an eye on how quickly the palm goes through water.
Fortunately, there is not a whole lot of pruning that palm trees require, they are fairly self-sufficient in that regard. A majority of palms shed old and dying fronds naturally as new fronds grow in. Avoid trimming too close to the trunk of the tree, as palm bark is rather delicate.
Do not continue to prune the tree if the fronds are consistently yellowing and wilting without being replaced by new fronds. Contact your palm care expert, as this is typically either a pest or disease issue,
Very rarely does it actually freeze in Florida. However, even short cold snaps have the potential to kill palm trees. Fortunately, there is a fairly simple way to protect the tropical trees from chilly weather. It is as simple as tucking the palm tree in. Blankets wrapped around the trunk and top soil protects the root system of the tree.
The blankets are easily removed once the temperatures are back up. This process prevents the frost from damaging the palm’s tissue and keeps water moving through the trunk.
The Total Pest Solution Palm Care Process
Total Pest Solutions cares for palm trees on both residential and commercial properties. Customers have their choice of bi-monthly or quarterly plans. These plans include a variety of services.
- Granulated fertilizer on topsoil twice a year.
- Root and crown drenches
- Pest and disease prevention
- Pest and disease removal
- Pruning, if and when it is necessary
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